iffl  1.3.4
Implements Intrusive Flat Forward List container
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iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A > Class Template Reference

Intrusive flat forward list container. More...

#include <iffl_list.h>

Public Types

using value_type = T
 Element value type.
using pointer = T *
 Pointer to element type.
using const_pointer = T const *
 Pointer to const element type.
using reference = T &
 Reference to the element type.
using const_reference = T const &
 Reference to the const element type.
using size_type = std::size_t
 Size type.
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t
 Element pointers difference type.
using traits = TT
 Element traits type.
using traits_traits = flat_forward_list_traits_traits< T, TT >
 Element traits traits type.
using range_t = typename traits_traits::range_t
 Vocabulary type used to describe buffer used by the element and how much of this buffer is used by the data. Type also includes information about required alignment.
using size_with_padding_t = typename traits_traits::size_with_padding_t
 Vocabulary type used to describe size with padding.
using offset_with_aligment_t = typename traits_traits::offset_with_aligment_t
 Vocabulary type used to describe size with alignment.
using sizes_t = flat_forward_list_sizes< traits_traits::alignment >
 Vocabulary type that contains information about buffer size, and last element range.
using allocator_type = typename std::allocator_traits< A >::template rebind_alloc< char >
 Type of allocator.
using allocator_type_traits = std::allocator_traits< allocator_type >
 Type of allocator traits.
using buffer_value_type = char
 Since we have variable size elements, and we cannot express it in the C++ type system we treat buffer with elements as a bag of chars and cast to the element type when necessary.
using const_buffer_value_type = char const
 When we do not intend to modify buffer we can treat it as a bag of const characters.
using buffer_pointer = char *
 Type used as a buffer pointer.
using const_buffer_pointer = char const *
 Type used as a pointer to the const buffer.
using iterator = flat_forward_list_iterator< T, TT >
 Type of iterator.
using const_iterator = flat_forward_list_const_iterator< T, TT >
 Type of const iterator.
using buffer_type = buffer_t< buffer_value_type >
 Pointers that describe buffer. More...

Public Member Functions

 flat_forward_list () noexcept
 Default constructor for container.
 flat_forward_list (allocator_type a) noexcept
 Constructs an empty container with an instance of provided allocator.
 flat_forward_list (flat_forward_list &&other) noexcept
 Move constructor. Moves allocator and content of other container to this container. More...
 flat_forward_list (flat_forward_list const &other)
 Copy constructor. Copies allocator if supported and copies content of other container to this container. More...
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
 flat_forward_list (attach_buffer, buffer_view const &other_buff, AA &&a=AA{}) noexcept
 Constructor that takes ownership of a buffer. More...
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
 flat_forward_list (buffer_view const &other_buff, AA &&a=AA{})
 Constructor that copies list from a buffer. More...
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
 flat_forward_list (attach_buffer, char *buffer_begin, char *last_element, char *buffer_end, AA &&a=AA{}) noexcept
 Constructor that takes ownership of a buffer. More...
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
 flat_forward_list (char const *buffer_begin, char const *last_element, char const *buffer_end, AA &&a=AA{})
 Constructor that copies list from a buffer. More...
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
 flat_forward_list (attach_buffer, char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, AA &&a=AA{}) noexcept
 Constructor that takes ownership of a buffer and attempts to find last element of the list. More...
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
 flat_forward_list (char const *buffer, size_t buffer_size, AA &&a=AA{})
 Constructor that checks if buffer contains a valid list and if it does then copies that list. More...
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
 flat_forward_list (const_iterator const &begin, const_iterator const &last, AA &&a=AA{})
 Copies element pointed by the iterators. More...
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
 flat_forward_list (flat_forward_list_view< T, TT > const &view, AA &&a=AA{})
 Copies element from the view. More...
flat_forward_listoperator= (flat_forward_list &&other) noexcept(allocator_type_traits::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value)
 Move assignment operator. More...
flat_forward_listoperator= (flat_forward_list const &other)
 Copy assignment operator. More...
flat_forward_listoperator= (buffer_view const &other_buff)
 Copy assignment operator. More...
 ~flat_forward_list () noexcept
 Destructor. More...
buffer_ref detach () noexcept
 Container releases ownership of the buffer. More...
void attach (buffer_view const &other_buff)
 Takes ownership of a buffer. More...
void attach (char *buffer_begin, char *last_element, char *buffer_end) noexcept
 Takes ownership of a buffer. More...
bool attach (char *buffer, size_t buffer_size) noexcept
 Takes ownership of a buffer and attempts to find last element of the list. More...
void assign (buffer_view const &other_buff)
 Copies list from a buffer. More...
void assign (char const *buffer_begin, char const *last_element, char const *buffer_end)
 Copies list from a buffer. More...
bool assign (char const *buffer_begin, char const *buffer_end)
 Checks if buffer contains a valid list and if it does then copies that list. More...
bool assign (char const *buffer, size_type buffer_size)
 Checks if buffer contains a valid list and if it does then copies that list. More...
void assign (const_iterator const &begin, const_iterator const &last)
 Copies element pointed by the iterators. More...
void assign (flat_forward_list_view< T, TT > const &view)
 Copies elements from the view. More...
template<typename AA >
bool is_compatible_allocator (AA const &other_allocator) const noexcept
 Compares if allocator used by container is equivalent to the other allocator. More...
allocator_typeget_allocator () &noexcept
 Returns reference to the allocator used by this container. More...
allocator_type const & get_allocator () const &noexcept
 Returns const reference to the allocator used by this container. More...
size_type max_size () const noexcept
 Returns maximum size. More...
void clear () noexcept
 Deallocated buffer owned by this container. More...
void tail_shrink_to_fit ()
 Resizes buffer to the used capacity. More...
void resize_buffer (size_type size)
 Resizes buffer. More...
void push_back (size_type init_buffer_size, char const *init_buffer=nullptr)
 Adds new element to the end of the list. Element is initialized by copping provided buffer. More...
bool try_push_back (size_type init_buffer_size, char const *init_buffer=nullptr)
 Adds new element to the end of the list. Element is initialized by copping provided buffer. More...
template<typename F >
void emplace_back (size_type element_size, F const &fn)
 Constructs new element at the end of the list. More...
template<typename F >
bool try_emplace_back (size_type element_size, F const &fn)
 Constructs new element at the end of the list if it fits in the existing free capacity. More...
void pop_back () noexcept
 Removes last element from the list. More...
iterator insert (iterator const &it, size_type init_buffer_size, char const *init_buffer=nullptr)
 Inserts new element at the position described by iterator. Element is initialized by copping provided buffer. More...
bool try_insert (iterator const &it, size_type init_buffer_size, char const *init_buffer=nullptr)
 Inserts new element at the position described by iterator. Element is initialized by copping provided buffer. More...
template<typename F >
iterator emplace (iterator const &it, size_type new_element_size, F const &fn)
 Constructs new element at the position described by iterator. Element is initialized with a help of the functor passed as a parameter. More...
template<typename F >
bool try_emplace (iterator const &it, size_type new_element_size, F const &fn)
 Constructs new element at the position described by iterator. Element is initialized with a help of the functor passed as a parameter. More...
void push_front (size_type init_buffer_size, char const *init_buffer=nullptr)
 Constructs new element at the beginning of the container. Element is initialized by copping provided buffer. More...
bool try_push_front (size_type init_buffer_size, char const *init_buffer=nullptr)
 Constructs new element at the beginning of the container. Element is initialized by copping provided buffer. More...
template<typename F >
void emplace_front (size_type element_size, F const &fn)
 Inserts new element at the beginning of the container. Element is initialized with a help of the functor passed as a parameter. More...
template<typename F >
bool try_emplace_front (size_type element_size, F const &fn)
 Inserts new element at the beginning of the container. Element is initialized with a help of the functor passed as a parameter. More...
void pop_front () noexcept
 Removes first element from the container. More...
void erase_after (iterator const &it) noexcept
 Erases element after the element pointed by the iterator. More...
void erase_after_half_closed (iterator const &before_start, iterator const &last) noexcept
 Erases element in the range (before_start, last]. More...
void erase_all_after (iterator const &it) noexcept
 Erases element in the range (before_start, end) More...
iterator erase_all_from (iterator const &it) noexcept
 Erases element in the range [it, end) More...
void erase_all () noexcept
 Erases all elements in the buffer without deallocating buffer.
iterator erase (iterator const &it) noexcept
 Erases element pointed by iterator. More...
iterator erase (iterator const &start, iterator const &end) noexcept
 Erases element in the range [start, end). More...
void swap (flat_forward_list &other) noexcept(allocator_type_traits::propagate_on_container_swap::value||allocator_type_traits::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value)
 Swaps content of this container and the other container. More...
template<typename LESS_F >
void sort (LESS_F const &fn)
 Sorts elements of container using comparator passed as a parameter. More...
void reverse ()
 Reverses elements of the list. More...
template<class F >
void merge (flat_forward_list &other, F const &fn)
 Merges two linked list ordering lists using comparison functor. More...
template<typename F >
void unique (F const &fn) noexcept
 If there are multiple equivalent elements next to each other then first one is kept, and all other are deleted. More...
template<typename F >
void remove_if (F const &fn) noexcept
 Removes all elements that satisfy predicate. More...
T & front () noexcept
T const & front () const noexcept
T & back () noexcept
T const & back () const noexcept
iterator begin () noexcept
const_iterator begin () const noexcept
iterator last () noexcept
const_iterator last () const noexcept
iterator end () noexcept
const_iterator end () const noexcept
const_iterator cbegin () const noexcept
const_iterator clast () const noexcept
const_iterator cend () const noexcept
char * data () noexcept
char const * data () const noexcept
bool revalidate_data (size_type data_size=npos) noexcept
 Validates that buffer contains a valid list. More...
void shrink_to_fit ()
 Removes unused padding of each element and at the tail. More...
void shrink_to_fit (iterator const &first, iterator const &end)
 Removes unused padding of each element in the range [first, end). More...
void shrink_to_fit (iterator const &it)
 Removes unused padding of an element. More...
iterator element_add_size (iterator const &it, size_type size_to_add)
 Adds unused capacity to the element. More...
bool try_element_add_size (iterator const &it, size_type size_to_add)
 Adds unused capacity to the element. More...
template<typename F >
iterator element_resize (iterator const &it, size_type new_size, F const &fn)
 Resizes element. More...
template<typename F >
bool try_element_resize (iterator const &it, size_type new_size, F const &fn)
 Resizes element. More...
size_type required_size (const_iterator const &it) const noexcept
 Returns capacity used by the element's data. More...
size_type used_size (const_iterator const &it) const noexcept
range_t range (const_iterator const &it) const noexcept
 Information about the buffer occupied by an element. More...
range_t closed_range (const_iterator const &begin, const_iterator const &last) const noexcept
 Information about the buffer occupied by elements in the range [begin, last]. More...
range_t half_open_range (const_iterator const &begin, const_iterator const &end) const noexcept
 Information about the buffer occupied by elements in the range [begin, end). More...
bool contains (const_iterator const &it, size_type position) const noexcept
 Tells if given offset in the buffer falls into a buffer used by the element. More...
iterator find_element_before (size_type position) noexcept
 Searches for an element before the element that contains given position. More...
const_iterator find_element_before (size_type position) const noexcept
 Searches for an element before the element that contains given position. More...
iterator find_element_at (size_type position) noexcept
 Searches for an element that contains given position. More...
const_iterator find_element_at (size_type position) const noexcept
 Searches for an element that contains given position. More...
iterator find_element_after (size_type position) noexcept
 Searches for an element after the element that contains given position. More...
const_iterator find_element_after (size_type position) const noexcept
 Searches for an element after the element that contains given position. More...
size_type size () const noexcept
 Number of elements in the container. More...
bool empty () const noexcept
 Tells if container contains no elements. More...
size_type used_capacity () const noexcept
size_type total_capacity () const noexcept
size_type remaining_capacity () const noexcept
void fill_padding (int fill_byte=0, bool zero_unused_capacity=true) noexcept
 Fills parts of the buffer not used by element data with fill_byte. More...

Static Public Attributes

static size_type const npos = iffl::npos
 Constant that represents and invalid or non-existent position.


template<typename TU , typename TTU >
class flat_forward_list_ref

Detailed Description

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
class iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >

Intrusive flat forward list container.

Forward declaration of intrusive flat forward list container.

Template Parameters
T- element type
TT- element type traits
A- allocator type that should be used for this container

TT is default initialized to specialization of flat_forward_list_traits for T A is default initialized to std::allocator for T Container is inherited from allocator to utilize Empty Base Class Optimization (EBCO).

Iterator invalidation notes: Begin iterator might get invalidated on any operation that causes buffer reallocation or erases last element of container Any other iterator, including an end iterator can get invalidated on any operation that causes buffer reallocation or adds, removes or resizes elements of container. Methods that take iterator as an input, and can invalidate it return new valid iterator as an output. Caller must refresh end iterator by explicitly calling [c]end().

Debugging notes: Defining FFL_DBG_CHECK_ITERATOR_VALID will enable validation of that iterators passed in input parameters are valid and are pointing to an existing element. Cost of this validation is O(element count). Defining FFL_DBG_CHECK_DATA_VALID will enable validation of container after every method that modifies container data.

Iterator names notes: begin or first - first element in a half-open [first, end) or closed [first, last] range. last - refers to the last element in half-closed (before_begin, last] or closed [first, last] range. end - refers to an element pass the last element. It is used with half open [begin, end) or open (before_begin, end) range. before_beging or before_first - refers to an element preceding begin or first element. Is used in half-open (before_begin, last] or open (before_begin, end) range.

Security notes: One of the common directions for attack is to leak to the attacher some uninitialized data that might contain addresses that might guide attacker how to bypass protections like Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR). To prevent that consider using fill_padding that will fill any unused space with given pattern making sure we are not leaking any unintended information in the element padding and in the buffer's unused tail.

Inter-op with C API notes: When passing pointer to container's buffer to an API that can modify it it will invalidate container invariants. For instance pointer to the last element will no longer be valid. User must call revalidate_data after this call to make sure invariants are fixed. The cal revalidate_data will rescan buffer for valid list as if it is a non-trusted buffer.

Allocator notes: COntainer supports adopting (attaching to) buffer that was allocated by someone else. This helps to minimize number of copies when inter-oping with C API. It is responsibility of user to make sure that container uses allocator that is compatible with how adopted buffer was allocated.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ buffer_type

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::buffer_type

Pointers that describe buffer.

Depending if T is const buffer uses char * or char const *

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ flat_forward_list() [1/10]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::flat_forward_list ( flat_forward_list< T, TT, A > &&  other)

Move constructor. Moves allocator and content of other container to this container.

other- container we are moving from

◆ flat_forward_list() [2/10]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::flat_forward_list ( flat_forward_list< T, TT, A > const &  other)

Copy constructor. Copies allocator if supported and copies content of other container to this container.

other- container we are copying from
std::bad_allocif buffer allocation fails

◆ flat_forward_list() [3/10]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::flat_forward_list ( attach_buffer  ,
buffer_view const &  other_buff,
AA &&  a = AA{} 

Constructor that takes ownership of a buffer.

Template Parameters
A- type of allocator.
other_buff- pointer to the start of the buffer that contains list.
a- allocator that should be used by this container.

This constructor does not validate if this is a valid flat forward list. It assumes that caller validated buffer before using this constructor. The first parameter is an empty vocabulary type to help with overload resolution and code readability.

After this call container is responsible for deallocating the buffer. It is responsibility of the caller to make sure that buffer was allocated using method compatible with allocator used by this container.

◆ flat_forward_list() [4/10]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::flat_forward_list ( buffer_view const &  other_buff,
AA &&  a = AA{} 

Constructor that copies list from a buffer.

Template Parameters
AA- type of allocator.
other_buff- pointer to the start of the buffer that contains list.
a- allocator that should be used by this container.
std::bad_allocif buffer allocation fails

This constructor does not validate if this is a valid flat forward list. It assumes that caller validated buffer before using this constructor.

◆ flat_forward_list() [5/10]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::flat_forward_list ( attach_buffer  ,
char *  buffer_begin,
char *  last_element,
char *  buffer_end,
AA &&  a = AA{} 

Constructor that takes ownership of a buffer.

Template Parameters
AA- type of allocator.
buffer_begin- pointer to the start of the buffer that contains list.
buffer_end- pointer to the address right after last byte in the buffer.
last_element- pointers to the last element of the list in the buffer. If buffer does not contain any elements then this parameter must be nullptr.
a- allocator that should be used by this container.

This constructor does not validate if this is a valid flat forward list. It assumes that caller validated buffer before using this constructor. The first parameter is an empty vocabulary type to help with overload resolution and code reliability.

After this call container is responsible for deallocating the buffer. It is responsibility of the caller to make sure that buffer was allocated using method compatible with allocator used by this container.

◆ flat_forward_list() [6/10]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::flat_forward_list ( char const *  buffer_begin,
char const *  last_element,
char const *  buffer_end,
AA &&  a = AA{} 

Constructor that copies list from a buffer.

Template Parameters
AA- type of allocator.
buffer_begin- pointer to the start of the buffer that contains list.
buffer_end- pointer to the address right after last byte in the buffer.
last_element- pointers to the last element of the list in the buffer. If buffer does not contain any elements then this parameter must be nullptr.
a- allocator that should be used by this container.
std::bad_allocif buffer allocation fails

This constructor does not validate if this is a valid flat forward list. It assumes that caller validated buffer before using this constructor.

◆ flat_forward_list() [7/10]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::flat_forward_list ( attach_buffer  ,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buffer_size,
AA &&  a = AA{} 

Constructor that takes ownership of a buffer and attempts to find last element of the list.

Template Parameters
AA- type of allocator.
buffer- pointer to the start of the buffer that might contains list.
buffer_size- buffer size.
a- allocator that should be used by this container.

This constructor adopts buffer, and searches for the last valid element in the buffer. If buffer validation fails then container will treat it as if it has no elements. The first parameter is an empty vocabulary type to help with overload resolution and code reliability.

After this call container is responsible for deallocating the buffer. It is responsibility of the caller to make sure that buffer was allocated using method compatible with allocator used by this container.

◆ flat_forward_list() [8/10]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::flat_forward_list ( char const *  buffer,
size_t  buffer_size,
AA &&  a = AA{} 

Constructor that checks if buffer contains a valid list and if it does then copies that list.

Template Parameters
AA- type of allocator.
buffer- pointer to the start of the buffer that might contains list.
buffer_size- buffer size.
a- allocator that should be used by this container.
std::bad_allocif buffer allocation fails

This constructor searches for the last valid element in the buffer, and is buffer is valid then it copies elements to the new buffer.

◆ flat_forward_list() [9/10]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::flat_forward_list ( const_iterator const &  begin,
const_iterator const &  last,
AA &&  a = AA{} 

Copies element pointed by the iterators.

begin- iterator for the buffer begin.
last- last element that should be included in the view.
a- allocator that should be used by this container.
std::bad_allocif buffer allocation fails

◆ flat_forward_list() [10/10]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename AA = allocator_type>
iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::flat_forward_list ( flat_forward_list_view< T, TT > const &  view,
AA &&  a = AA{} 

Copies element from the view.

view- view over a flat forward list buffer.
a- allocator that should be used by this container.
std::bad_allocif buffer allocation fails

◆ ~flat_forward_list()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::~flat_forward_list ( )


Deallocates buffer owned by container.

Member Function Documentation

◆ assign() [1/6]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::assign ( buffer_view const &  other_buff)

Copies list from a buffer.

other_buff- describes the other buffer.
std::bad_allocif buffer allocation fails

This method does not validate if this is a valid flat forward list. It assumes that caller validated buffer before using this constructor.

◆ assign() [2/6]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::assign ( char const *  buffer_begin,
char const *  last_element,
char const *  buffer_end 

Copies list from a buffer.

buffer_begin- pointer to the start of the buffer that contains list.
buffer_end- pointer to the address right after last byte in the buffer.
last_element- pointers to the last element of the list in the buffer. If buffer does not contain any elements then this parameter must be nullptr.
std::bad_allocif buffer allocation fails

This method does not validate if this is a valid flat forward list. It assumes that caller validated buffer before using this constructor.

◆ assign() [3/6]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::assign ( char const *  buffer_begin,
char const *  buffer_end 

Checks if buffer contains a valid list and if it does then copies that list.

buffer_begin- pointer to the start of the buffer that might contains list.
buffer_end- pointer to the buffer end.
std::bad_allocif buffer allocation fails

This method searches for the last valid element in the buffer, and is buffer is valid then it copies elements to the new buffer.

◆ assign() [4/6]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::assign ( char const *  buffer,
size_type  buffer_size 

Checks if buffer contains a valid list and if it does then copies that list.

buffer- pointer to the start of the buffer that might contains list.
buffer_size- buffer size.
std::bad_allocif buffer allocation fails

This method searches for the last valid element in the buffer, and is buffer is valid then it copies elements to the new buffer.

◆ assign() [5/6]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::assign ( const_iterator const &  begin,
const_iterator const &  last 

Copies element pointed by the iterators.

begin- iterator for the buffer begin.
last- last element that should be included in the view.

◆ assign() [6/6]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::assign ( flat_forward_list_view< T, TT > const &  view)

Copies elements from the view.

view- view over the flat forward list

◆ attach() [1/3]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::attach ( buffer_view const &  other_buff)

Takes ownership of a buffer.

other_buff- describes the buffer we are attaching.

This method first clears existing content of the container. It does not validate if buffer contains a valid flat forward list. It assumes that caller validated buffer before using this constructor. After this call container is responsible for deallocating the buffer. It is responsibility of the caller to make sure that buffer was allocated using method compatible with allocator used by this container.

◆ attach() [2/3]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::attach ( char *  buffer_begin,
char *  last_element,
char *  buffer_end 

Takes ownership of a buffer.

buffer_begin- pointer to the start of the buffer that contains list.
buffer_end- pointer to the address right after last byte in the buffer.
last_element- pointers to the last element of the list in the buffer. If buffer does not contain any elements then this parameter must be nullptr.

This method first clears existing content of the container. It does not validate if buffer contains a valid flat forward list. It assumes that caller validated buffer before using this constructor. After this call container is responsible for deallocating the buffer. It is responsibility of the caller to make sure that buffer was allocated using method compatible with allocator used by this container.

◆ attach() [3/3]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::attach ( char *  buffer,
size_t  buffer_size 

Takes ownership of a buffer and attempts to find last element of the list.

buffer- pointer to the start of the buffer that might contains list.
buffer_size- buffer size.

This method adopts buffer, and searches for the last valid element in the buffer. If buffer validation fails then container will treat it as if it has no elements. After this call container is responsible for deallocating the buffer. It is responsibility of the caller to make sure that buffer was allocated using method compatible with allocator used by this container.

◆ back() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
T& iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::back ( )
Returns a reference to the last element in the container.

Calling this method on a empty container will trigger fail-fast

◆ back() [2/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
T const& iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::back ( ) const
Returns a const reference to the last element in the container.

Calling this method on a empty container will trigger fail-fast

◆ begin() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::begin ( )
Returns an iterator pointing to the first element of container.

Calling on an empty container returns end iterator

◆ begin() [2/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
const_iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::begin ( ) const
Returns a const iterator pointing to the first element of container.

Calling on an empty container returns const end iterator

◆ cbegin()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
const_iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::cbegin ( ) const
Returns a const iterator pointing to the first element of container.

Calling on an empty container returns const end iterator

◆ cend()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
const_iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::cend ( ) const
Returns an end const_iterator.

For types that support get_next_offset offset or when container is empty, the end iterator is const_iterator{}. For types that do not support get_next_offset an end iterator is pointing pass the last element of container

◆ clast()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
const_iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::clast ( ) const
Returns a const iterator pointing to the last element of container.

Calling on an empty container returns end iterator

◆ clear()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::clear ( )

Deallocated buffer owned by this container.

After this call container is empty

◆ closed_range()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
range_t iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::closed_range ( const_iterator const &  begin,
const_iterator const &  last 
) const

Information about the buffer occupied by elements in the range [begin, last].

begin- iterator pointing to the first element.
last- iterator pointing to the last element in the range.
For any case, except when last element of range is last element of the collection, it returns:
  • start of the first element.
  • offset of the last element data end.
  • offset of the last element buffer end. If range last is last element of collection then data end and buffer end point to the same position.

All offsets values are relative to the buffer owned by the container.

◆ contains()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::contains ( const_iterator const &  it,
size_type  position 
) const

Tells if given offset in the buffer falls into a buffer used by the element.

it- iterator pointing to an element
position- offset in the container's buffer.
True if position is in the element's buffer. and false otherwise. Element's buffer is retrieved using range(it). When iterator refers to container end or when position is npos the result will be false.

◆ data() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
char* iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::data ( )
Pointer to the begging of the buffer or nullptr container has if no allocated buffer.

◆ data() [2/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
char const* iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::data ( ) const
Const pointer to the begging of the buffer or nullptr container has if no allocated buffer.

◆ detach()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
buffer_ref iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::detach ( )

Container releases ownership of the buffer.

After the call completes, container is empty.

Returns buffer information to the caller. Caller is responsible for deallocating returned buffer.

◆ element_add_size()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::element_add_size ( iterator const &  it,
size_type  size_to_add 

Adds unused capacity to the element.

it- iterator that points to the element to grow.
size_to_add- bytes to add to the current element size
std::bad_allocif allocating new buffer fails.

This method also fixes alignment of element and adds missing padding. added capacity becomes unused capacity that is reserved for future use. Unused capacity is zero initialized.

◆ element_resize()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename F >
iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::element_resize ( iterator const &  it,
size_type  new_size,
F const &  fn 

Resizes element.

Template Parameters
F- type of functor user to update element.
it- iterator that points to the element that is being resized.
new_size- new element size.
fn- functor used to update element after it was resized.
std::bad_allocif allocating new buffer fails.

Resizing to 0 will delete element. Resizing to size smaller than minimum_size will trigger fail-fast. Resizing to any other size also fixes alignment of element and adds missing padding.

◆ emplace()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename F >
iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::emplace ( iterator const &  it,
size_type  new_element_size,
F const &  fn 

Constructs new element at the position described by iterator. Element is initialized with a help of the functor passed as a parameter.

Template Parameters
F- type of a functor
it- iterator pointing to the position new element should be inserted to. Iterator value must be a valid iterator pointing to one of the elements or an end iterator. If iterator is pointing to an element that is not properly aligned then new element will not be properly aligned. When iterator in not then end then size is padded to make sure that if this element is properly aligned then next element is also property aligned.
new_element_size- number of bytes required for the new element.
fn- a functor used to construct new element.
Returns a pair of boolean that tells caller if element was inserted, and iterator to the position where it should be inserted in case of failure or was inserted in case of success.
std::bad_allocaif allocating new buffer fails. Any exceptions that might be raised by the functor. If functor raises then container remains in the state as if call did not happen

Constructed element does not have to use up the entire buffer unused space will become unused buffer capacity.

◆ emplace_back()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename F >
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::emplace_back ( size_type  element_size,
F const &  fn 

Constructs new element at the end of the list.

Template Parameters
F- type of a functor Element is initialized with a help of the functor passed as a parameter.
element_size- number of bytes required for the new element.
fn- a functor used to construct new element.
std::bad_allocaif allocating new buffer fails. Any exceptions that might be raised by the functor. If functor raises then container remains in the state as if call did not happen

Constructed element does not have to use up the entire buffer unused space will become unused buffer capacity.

◆ emplace_front()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename F >
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::emplace_front ( size_type  element_size,
F const &  fn 

Inserts new element at the beginning of the container. Element is initialized with a help of the functor passed as a parameter.

Template Parameters
F- type of a functor
element_size- size of the buffer that will be used for initialization size smaller than minimum element size will trigger a fail-fast. When container is not empty then size is padded to make sure that next element is also property aligned.
fn- a functor used to construct new element.
std::bad_allocaif allocating new buffer fails. Any exceptions that might be raised by the functor. If functor raises then container remains in the state as if call did not happen

◆ empty()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::empty ( ) const

Tells if container contains no elements.

False when container contains at least one element and true otherwise.

Both container with no buffer as well as container that has buffer that does not contain any valid elements will return true.

◆ end() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::end ( )
Returns an end iterator.

An end iterator is pointing pass the last element of container

◆ end() [2/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
const_iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::end ( ) const
Returns an end const_iterator.

An end iterator is pointing pass the last element of container

◆ erase() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::erase ( iterator const &  it)

Erases element pointed by iterator.

it- iterator pointing to the element being erased.

This gives us erase semantics everyone is used to, but algorithm complexity is O(element count) if we are erasing last element because we need to find element before the element being erased, and make it last.

◆ erase() [2/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::erase ( iterator const &  start,
iterator const &  end 

Erases element in the range [start, end).

start- first element to be erased.
end- one pass the last element that is being erased.

This gives us erase semantics everyone is used to, but algorithm complexity is O(element count) if we are erasing all element till the end of container, because we need to find element before the element being erased, and make it last.

◆ erase_after()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::erase_after ( iterator const &  it)

Erases element after the element pointed by the iterator.

it- iterator pointing to an element before the element that will be erased. If iterator is pointing to the last element of container then it will trigger fail-fast.

◆ erase_after_half_closed()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::erase_after_half_closed ( iterator const &  before_start,
iterator const &  last 

Erases element in the range (before_start, last].

before_start- iterator pointing to an element before the first element that will be erased. If iterator is pointing to the last element of container then it will trigger fail-fast.
last- iterator pointing to the last element to be erased. if this iterator is end then it will erase all elements after before_start.

Usual pair of iterators define a half opened range [start, end) Note that in this case our range is (start, last]. In other words we will erase all elements after start, including last.

◆ erase_all_after()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::erase_all_after ( iterator const &  it)

Erases element in the range (before_start, end)

it- iterator pointing to an element before the first element that will be erased. If iterator is pointing to the last element of container then it will trigger fail-fast.

◆ erase_all_from()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::erase_all_from ( iterator const &  it)

Erases element in the range [it, end)

it- iterator to the first element to be erased

This algorithm has complexity O(element count) because to erase element pointed by it we need to locate element before and make it new last element.

◆ fill_padding()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::fill_padding ( int  fill_byte = 0,
bool  zero_unused_capacity = true 

Fills parts of the buffer not used by element data with fill_byte.

fill_byte- pattern to use
zero_unused_capacity- also fill container unused capacity true by default.

◆ find_element_after() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::find_element_after ( size_type  position)

Searches for an element after the element that contains given position.

position- offset in the container's buffer
Iterator to the found element, if it was found, and container's end iterator otherwise.

Cost of this algorithm is O(number of elements in container) because we have to performs linear search for an element from the start of container's buffer.

◆ find_element_after() [2/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
const_iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::find_element_after ( size_type  position) const

Searches for an element after the element that contains given position.

position- offset in the container's buffer
Const iterator to the found element, if it was found, and container's end const iterator otherwise.

Cost of this algorithm is O(number of elements in container) because we have to performs linear search for an element from the start of container's buffer.

◆ find_element_at() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::find_element_at ( size_type  position)

Searches for an element that contains given position.

position- offset in the container's buffer
Iterator to the found element, if it was found, and container's end iterator otherwise.

Cost of this algorithm is O(number of elements in container) because we have to performs linear search for an element from the start of container's buffer.

◆ find_element_at() [2/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
const_iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::find_element_at ( size_type  position) const

Searches for an element that contains given position.

position- offset in the container's buffer
Const iterator to the found element, if it was found, and container's end const iterator otherwise.

Cost of this algorithm is O(number of elements in container) because we have to performs linear search for an element from the start of container's buffer.

◆ find_element_before() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::find_element_before ( size_type  position)

Searches for an element before the element that contains given position.

position- offset in the container's buffer
Iterator to the found element, if it was found, and container's end iterator otherwise.

Cost of this algorithm is O(number of elements in container) because we have to perform linear search for an element from the start of container's buffer.

◆ find_element_before() [2/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
const_iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::find_element_before ( size_type  position) const

Searches for an element before the element that contains given position.

position- offset in the container's buffer
Const iterator to the found element, if it was found, and container's end const iterator otherwise.

Cost of this algorithm is O(number of elements in container) because we have to performs linear search for an element from the start of container's buffer.

◆ front() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
T& iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::front ( )
Returns a reference to the first element in the container.

Calling this method on a empty container will trigger fail-fast

◆ front() [2/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
T const& iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::front ( ) const
Returns a const reference to the first element in the container.

Calling this method on a empty container will trigger fail-fast

◆ get_allocator() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
allocator_type& iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::get_allocator ( ) &

Returns reference to the allocator used by this container.

Allocator reference.

◆ get_allocator() [2/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
allocator_type const& iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::get_allocator ( ) const &

Returns const reference to the allocator used by this container.

Allocator const reference.

◆ half_open_range()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
range_t iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::half_open_range ( const_iterator const &  begin,
const_iterator const &  end 
) const

Information about the buffer occupied by elements in the range [begin, end).

begin- iterator pointing to the first element.
end- iterator pointing to the past last element in the range.
For any case, except when end element of range is the end element of the collection,
  • start of the first element.
  • offset of the element before end data end.
  • offset of the element before end buffer end. If range end is collection end then data end and buffer end point to the same position.

All offsets values are relative to the buffer owned by the container. Algorithm has complexity O(number of elements in collection) because to find element before end we have to scan buffer from beginning.

◆ insert()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::insert ( iterator const &  it,
size_type  init_buffer_size,
char const *  init_buffer = nullptr 

Inserts new element at the position described by iterator. Element is initialized by copping provided buffer.

it- iterator pointing to the position new element should be inserted to. Iterator value must be a valid iterator pointing to one of the elements or an end iterator. If iterator is pointing to an element that is not properly aligned then new element will not be properly aligned.
init_buffer_size- size of the buffer that will be used for initialization size smaller than minimum element size will trigger a fail-fast. When iterator in not then end then size is padded to make sure that if this element is properly aligned then next element is also property aligned.
init_buffer- a pointer to the buffer. If pointer to the buffer is nullptr then element data are zero initialized.
std::bad_allocaif allocating new buffer fails.

New element becomes a new last element and, if set_next offset is supported, then it is called on the previous last element such that it points to the new one.

◆ is_compatible_allocator()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename AA >
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::is_compatible_allocator ( AA const &  other_allocator) const

Compares if allocator used by container is equivalent to the other allocator.

other_allocator- allocator we are comparing to
True if allocators are equivalent, and false otherwise.

◆ last() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::last ( )
Returns an iterator pointing to the last element of container.

Calling on an empty container returns end iterator

◆ last() [2/2]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
const_iterator iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::last ( ) const
Returns a const iterator pointing to the last element of container.

Calling on an empty container returns end iterator

◆ max_size()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
size_type iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::max_size ( ) const

Returns maximum size.

Maximum size.

For this container it is maximum number of bytes that can be allocated through allocator used by this container

◆ merge()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<class F >
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::merge ( flat_forward_list< T, TT, A > &  other,
F const &  fn 

Merges two linked list ordering lists using comparison functor.

Template Parameters
F- type of comparison functor
fn- comparison functor
other- the other list we are merging with
Mightthrow std::bad_alloc when allocation fails.

if both lists are sorted, and we are merging using the same compare functor, then merged list will be sorted.

◆ operator=() [1/3]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
flat_forward_list& iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::operator= ( flat_forward_list< T, TT, A > &&  other)

Move assignment operator.

other- linked list we are moving from
noexceptif allocator is propagate_on_container_move_assignment

If allocator is propagate_on_container_move_assignment then it moves allocator, and moves buffer ownership. Otherwise if allocator are equivalent then data are moves. If allocators are not equivalent then new buffer is allocated and list is copied. In the last case this function might throw std::bad_alloc

◆ operator=() [2/3]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
flat_forward_list& iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::operator= ( flat_forward_list< T, TT, A > const &  other)

Copy assignment operator.

other- linked list we are copying from
std::bad_allocwhen allocating buffer fails

This function first attempts to copy allocator, if it is supported, and after that allocates new buffer and copies all elements to the new buffer.

◆ operator=() [3/3]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
flat_forward_list& iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::operator= ( buffer_view const &  other_buff)

Copy assignment operator.

other_buff- linked list we are copying from
std::bad_allocwhen allocating buffer fails

This function first attempts to copy allocator, if it is supported, and after that allocates new buffer and copies all elements to the new buffer.

◆ pop_back()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::pop_back ( )

Removes last element from the list.

This method has cost O(number of elements). Cost comes from scanning buffer from beginning to find element before the current last element. Since this is a single linked list we have no faster way to locate it. Element before current last element will become new last element.

◆ pop_front()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::pop_front ( )

Removes first element from the container.

Calling on empty container will trigger fail-fast

◆ push_back()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::push_back ( size_type  init_buffer_size,
char const *  init_buffer = nullptr 

Adds new element to the end of the list. Element is initialized by copping provided buffer.

init_buffer_size- size of the buffer that will be used for initialization size smaller than minimum element size will trigger a fail-fast.
init_buffer- a pointer to the buffer. If pointer to the buffer is nullptr then element data are zero initialized.
std::bad_allocaif allocating new buffer fails

New element becomes a new last element and, if set_next offset is supported, then it is called on the previous last element such that it points to the new one.

◆ push_front()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::push_front ( size_type  init_buffer_size,
char const *  init_buffer = nullptr 

Constructs new element at the beginning of the container. Element is initialized by copping provided buffer.

init_buffer_size- size of the buffer that will be used for initialization size smaller than minimum element size will trigger a fail-fast. When container is not empty then size is padded to make sure that next element is also property aligned.
init_buffer- a pointer to the buffer. If pointer to the buffer is nullptr then element data are zero initialized.
std::bad_allocaif allocating new buffer fails.

◆ range()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
range_t iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::range ( const_iterator const &  it) const

Information about the buffer occupied by an element.

it- iterator pointing to an element.
For any element except the last, it returns:
  • start element offset.
  • offset of element data end.
  • offset of element buffer end. For the last element data end and buffer end point to the same position.

All offsets values are relative to the buffer owned by the container.

◆ remaining_capacity()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
size_type iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::remaining_capacity ( ) const
Number of bytes in the buffer not used by the existing elements.

◆ remove_if()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename F >
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::remove_if ( F const &  fn)

Removes all elements that satisfy predicate.

Template Parameters
F- type of predicate
fn- predicate functor

◆ required_size()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
size_type iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::required_size ( const_iterator const &  it) const

Returns capacity used by the element's data.

it- iterator pointing to the element we are returning size for.
Returns size of the element without padding

◆ resize_buffer()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::resize_buffer ( size_type  size)

Resizes buffer.

size- new buffer size Passing 0 has same effect as clearing container Setting buffer size to the value smaller than first element size will produce empty list.
std::bad_allocaif allocating new buffer fails

Allocates new buffer of specified size, and copies all elements that can fit to the new buffer size. all other elements will be erased. Resizing buffer to the larger capacity will add unused capacity. This can help reduce buffer reallocations when adding new elements to the buffer. Resizing to capacity smaller than used capacity will end up erasing elements that do not fit to the new buffer size.

◆ revalidate_data()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::revalidate_data ( size_type  data_size = npos)

Validates that buffer contains a valid list.

data_size- upper watermark for the valid data.
true if valid list was found and false otherwise.

You must call this method after passing pointer to container's buffer to a function that might change buffer content. If valid list of found then buff().last will be pointing to the element that was found. If no valid list was found then buff().last will be nullptr.

◆ reverse()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::reverse ( )

Reverses elements of the list.

Mightthrow std::bad_alloc when allocation fails

◆ shrink_to_fit() [1/3]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::shrink_to_fit ( )

Removes unused padding of each element and at the tail.

std::bad_allocif allocating new buffer fails.

This method also fixes alignment of each element and adds missing padding, so at the end used capacity might grow. Once unused capacity of each element is removed, and missing padding added, this method reallocates buffer to remove any unused capacity at the tail.

◆ shrink_to_fit() [2/3]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::shrink_to_fit ( iterator const &  first,
iterator const &  end 

Removes unused padding of each element in the range [first, end).

first- iterator that points to the first element to shrink.
end- iterator that points past the last element.
std::bad_allocif allocating new buffer fails.

This method also fixes alignment of each element and adds missing padding, so at the end used capacity might grow.

◆ shrink_to_fit() [3/3]

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::shrink_to_fit ( iterator const &  it)

Removes unused padding of an element.

it- iterator that points to the element to shrink.
std::bad_allocif allocating new buffer fails.

This method also fixes alignment of element and adds missing padding, so at the end used capacity might grow.

◆ size()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
size_type iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::size ( ) const

Number of elements in the container.

Number of elements in the container.

Cost of this algorithm is O(number of elements in container). Container does not actively cache/updates element count so we need to scan list to find number of elements.

◆ sort()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename LESS_F >
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::sort ( LESS_F const &  fn)

Sorts elements of container using comparator passed as a parameter.

Template Parameters
LESS_F- type of comparator
fn- instance of comparator

Algorithm complexity is O(n*log(n)+2*n)

Mightthrow std::bad_alloc when allocation fails

◆ swap()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::swap ( flat_forward_list< T, TT, A > &  other)

Swaps content of this container and the other container.

other- reference to the other container
mightthrow std::bad_alloc if allocator swap throws or if allocators do not support swap, and we need to make a copy of elements, which involves allocation.

◆ tail_shrink_to_fit()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::tail_shrink_to_fit ( )

Resizes buffer to the used capacity.

Allocates new buffer of exact size that is required to keep all elements, moves all elements there and deallocates old buffer. If buffer already has no unused capacity then this call is no-op.

◆ total_capacity()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
size_type iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::total_capacity ( ) const
Buffer size.

◆ try_element_add_size()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::try_element_add_size ( iterator const &  it,
size_type  size_to_add 

Adds unused capacity to the element.

it- iterator that points to the element to grow.
size_to_add- bytes to add to the current element size
true if element was placed in the existing buffer and false if buffer does not have enough capacity for the new element.

This method also fixes alignment of element and adds missing padding. added capacity becomes unused capacity that is reserved for future use. Unused capacity is zero initialized.

◆ try_element_resize()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename F >
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::try_element_resize ( iterator const &  it,
size_type  new_size,
F const &  fn 

Resizes element.

Template Parameters
F- type of functor user to update element.
it- iterator that points to the element that is being resized.
new_size- new element size.
fn- functor used to update element after it was resized.
true if element was placed in the existing buffer and false if buffer does not have enough capacity for the new element.

Resizing to 0 will delete element. Resizing to size smaller than minimum_size will trigger fail-fast. Resizing to any other size also fixes alignment of element and adds missing padding.

◆ try_emplace()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename F >
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::try_emplace ( iterator const &  it,
size_type  new_element_size,
F const &  fn 

Constructs new element at the position described by iterator. Element is initialized with a help of the functor passed as a parameter.

Template Parameters
F- type of a functor
it- iterator pointing to the position new element should be inserted to. Iterator value must be a valid iterator pointing to one of the elements or an end iterator. If iterator is pointing to an element that is not properly aligned then new element will not be properly aligned. When iterator in not then end then size is padded to make sure that if this element is properly aligned then next element is also property aligned.
new_element_size- number of bytes required for the new element.
fn- a functor used to construct new element.
Returns a pair of boolean that tells caller if element was inserted, and iterator to the position where it should be inserted in case of failure or was inserted in case of success.
true if element was placed in the existing buffer and false if buffer does not have enough capacity for the new element.

Constructed element does not have to use up the entire buffer unused space will become unused buffer capacity.

◆ try_emplace_back()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename F >
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::try_emplace_back ( size_type  element_size,
F const &  fn 

Constructs new element at the end of the list if it fits in the existing free capacity.

Template Parameters
F- type of a functor Element is initialized with a help of the functor passed as a parameter.
element_size- number of bytes required for the new element.
fn- a functor used to construct new element.
true if element was placed in the existing buffer and false if buffer does not have enough capacity for the new element.

Constructed element does not have to use up the entire buffer unused space will become unused buffer capacity.

◆ try_emplace_front()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename F >
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::try_emplace_front ( size_type  element_size,
F const &  fn 

Inserts new element at the beginning of the container. Element is initialized with a help of the functor passed as a parameter.

Template Parameters
F- type of a functor
element_size- size of the buffer that will be used for initialization size smaller than minimum element size will trigger a fail-fast. When container is not empty then size is padded to make sure that next element is also property aligned.
fn- a functor used to construct new element.
true if element was placed in the existing buffer and false if buffer does not have enough capacity for the new element.

◆ try_insert()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::try_insert ( iterator const &  it,
size_type  init_buffer_size,
char const *  init_buffer = nullptr 

Inserts new element at the position described by iterator. Element is initialized by copping provided buffer.

it- iterator pointing to the position new element should be inserted to. Iterator value must be a valid iterator pointing to one of the elements or an end iterator. If iterator is pointing to an element that is not properly aligned then new element will not be properly aligned.
init_buffer_size- size of the buffer that will be used for initialization size smaller than minimum element size will trigger a fail-fast. When iterator in not then end then size is padded to make sure that if this element is properly aligned then next element is also property aligned.
init_buffer- a pointer to the buffer. If pointer to the buffer is nullptr then element data are zero initialized.
true if element was placed in the existing buffer and false if buffer does not have enough capacity for the new element.

New element becomes a new last element and, if set_next offset is supported, then it is called on the previous last element such that it points to the new one.

◆ try_push_back()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::try_push_back ( size_type  init_buffer_size,
char const *  init_buffer = nullptr 

Adds new element to the end of the list. Element is initialized by copping provided buffer.

init_buffer_size- size of the buffer that will be used for initialization size smaller than minimum element size will trigger a fail-fast.
init_buffer- a pointer to the buffer. If pointer to the buffer is nullptr then element data are zero initialized.
std::bad_allocaif allocating new buffer fails

New element becomes a new last element and, if set_next offset is supported, then it is called on the previous last element such that it points to the new one.

true if element was placed in the existing buffer and false if buffer does not have enough capacity for the new element.

◆ try_push_front()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
bool iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::try_push_front ( size_type  init_buffer_size,
char const *  init_buffer = nullptr 

Constructs new element at the beginning of the container. Element is initialized by copping provided buffer.

init_buffer_size- size of the buffer that will be used for initialization size smaller than minimum element size will trigger a fail-fast. When container is not empty then size is padded to make sure that next element is also property aligned.
init_buffer- a pointer to the buffer. If pointer to the buffer is nullptr then element data are zero initialized.
true if element was placed in the existing buffer and false if buffer does not have enough capacity for the new element.

◆ unique()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename F >
void iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::unique ( F const &  fn)

If there are multiple equivalent elements next to each other then first one is kept, and all other are deleted.

Template Parameters
F- type of comparison functor
fn- comparison functor

◆ used_capacity()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
size_type iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::used_capacity ( ) const
Number of bytes in the buffer used by existing elements.

◆ used_size()

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
size_type iffl::flat_forward_list< T, TT, A >::used_size ( const_iterator const &  it) const
it- iterator pointing to the element we are returning size for.
For any element except last returns distance from element start to the start of the next element. For the last element it returns used_capacity

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ flat_forward_list_ref

template<typename T, typename TT = flat_forward_list_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename TU , typename TTU >
friend class flat_forward_list_ref

Give flat_forward_list_ref friend permissins so it can initialize itself from the buffer

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